Heart health and mental wellness are intertwined. Managing stress is essential for your welfare, according to Dr. Sanjay Mittal, senior director of clinical and preventive cardiology at Heart Institute, Medanta, Gurugram. The body responds physiologically to stress by producing hormones like noradrenaline and adrenaline to help it adapt to diverse tasks or circumstances. This biological effect causes spikes in blood pressure and pulse rate, as well as the release of brain chemicals linked to depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. An increase in the risk of a number of health problems, such as ulcers, gastrointestinal problems, heart conditions, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and possibly even malignancies, can be brought on by excessive stress, which can also cause sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, elevated blood pressure, irritability, and decreased performance. Both anxiety and depression are separate risk factors for heart disease. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase, your blood flow to the heart is reduced, and your body creates more cortisol, a stress hormone, when you are depressed, anxious, or stressed. These outcomes may eventually result in heart disease .
It's crucial to develop coping mechanisms for stress and the ability to turn difficult circumstances into overcomeable obstacles. Heart disease patients encounter two difficulties. To start with, individuals must manage the stress they already feel from their jobs, finances, performance, and social lives, all of which may have contributed to their cardiac problem. Second, having a cardiac condition itself imposes additional restrictions. They could be preoccupied with worries that prevent them from taking enjoyment in everyday activities like dining out or socializing. Having a heart issue substantially changes how one experiences life, in essence.
If you have trouble falling asleep and need sleeping medications, it's obvious that stress is having an unhealthily negative impact on you. It's crucial to look after your mental health by getting specialist assistance if necessary. Additionally, you can attempt certain methods of relaxation like meditation or deep breathing exercises.